Gesamttitel Das Fremde und das Eigene : Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die russische Kultur / Nino Nodia
Titel Women in Modern Drama : Freud, Feminism, and European Theater at the Turn of the Century
Verfasser Finney, Gail
Erschienen 1989
Schlagwort Feminismus / Freud / Europäisches Theater der Jahrhundertwende / Hysterie / "Die Frau ohne Schatten" / Mutterschaft
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      Introduction: Woman's Place at the Turn of the Century: Emancipation or Hysterization?


      Part I Freud's Double?

      1. Female Sexuality and Schnitzler's "La Ronde"


      Part II  Demythologizing the Femme Fatale, or The Daughter's Education


      2. The (Wo)Man in the Moon: Wilde's "Salomé"


      3. Woman as Spectacle and Commodity: Wedekind's Lulu Plays


      Part III  The Law of the Father


      4. "I've Lost Him Surely": Synge's "Playboy of the Western World"


      5. The Dynamics of Sex and Suffering: Hauptmann's "Rose Bernd"


      Part IV. Mothers in Spite of Themselves


      6. Maternity and Hysterica: Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler"


      7. Humanism and Patriarchy: Hofmannsthal's "Woman without a Shadow


      Part V  Motherhood, Power, and Powerlessness


      8. The New Woman as Madonna: Shaw's "Candida"


      9. The Devil in the House? Strindberg's "The Father"

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