Titel Hugo von Hofmannsthal : the theaters of consciousness
Verfasser Bennett, Benjamin K.
Erschienen Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Pr, 1988
Sprache Deutsch
Serie Cambridge Studies in German; XVIII
ISBN 0521340535
Schlagwort "Der Tor und der Tod" / "Der Schwierige" / "Das Salzburger Große Welttheater" / "Der Turm"
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      Part I

      Principles of lyric and drama


      1 Kleist' puppets

      2 Language as poetry

      3 The smallest world theater

      4 Death and the fools

      5 Idea, reality and play-acting in Der Tor und der Tod

      6 Theatrical philosophy: from Der Tor und der Tod to Theater in Versen


      Part II

      Language and society


      7 Chandos and his neighbors

      8 Werther and Chandos

      9 Hofmannsthal's return

      10 Missed meetings in Der Schwierige

      11 Hans Karl's return

      12 Society as drama


      Part III

      Culture and collapse


      13 Art by accident

      14 The allomatic

      15 The rôle of "Vorwitz" in Das Salzburger Große Welttheater

      16 Salzburg as a theater

      17 Goethe, Nietzsche, Thomas Taylor and Der Turm

      18 A tower in ruins: the tragedy of a tragedy



      Hofmannsthal's development

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