Titel Hofmannsthal and the French symbolist tradition / Steven P. Sondrup
Verfasser Sondrup, Steven P
Erschienen Frankfurt a. M. : Peter Lang, 1976
ISBN 3-261-01896-8
Schlagwort Symbolismus / französischeSymbolisten / Symbolismus in Wien / Romantizismen
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    • Zum Inhalt:


        I. Introduction

           Prior Research

           French Symbolism

           Symbolism and Romanticism


      II. Symbolism in Vienna

           Vienna of the 1890s

           Hofmannsthal and the Aesthetic Culture

           The Press

           Hermann Bahr

           Stefan George


      III. The Poetics

           D irect References to Symbolism

      ..... Unpublished Sources

               Published Sources

           Hofmannsthal's Poetics

               Essays and Reviews

               Diary and Ad Me Ipsum

           Hofmannsthal's Poetics and Symbolist Theory

           The Dangers of Aestheticism


       IV. The Poetry

            Symbolist Elements in Hofmannsthal's Earliest Poems


            Symbolist Elements in Later Poems

            The Transcendent World

            The Magic of Language

            The Music of Poetry

            The Freedom of thePoet

            Hofmannsthal Poetry and the Poetryof the Symbolists

            Theme: "Le Crépuscule du Matin" und "Vortag"

            Imagery: "Clair de Lune" und "Dein Antlitz"

            Metaphor: "Bateau ivre" and "Erlebnis"

            Obscurity: "Le Pitre châtié" and "Lebenslied"


      V. The Dramatic Texts

            The Drama of Psychic Exploration

            Interorization of Dramatic Action

            The Language of Lyric Drama

            Integration of the Arts

            The Drama of Life's Mysteries


      VI. Conclusion


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