Aus dem Inhalt:
Introduction: Biographies of the Austrian State Problem
1. The Problem of the Austrian State and People(s)
2. Empire and Austrian Identity
3. The Biographies
Part One: Ernest von Koerber (Heinrich Friedjung):
The Problem of the Austrian State
Part Two: Hugo von Hofmannsthal (Leopold von Andrian):
The Problem of the Austrian Culture
1. Understanding Hofmannsthal
Hofmannsthal's Political Engagement
2. Guardians of Austrian Culture: Hofmannsthal and Andrian
Andrian, Hofmannsthal, and the Austrian Identity
Der Rosenkavalier
3. Hofmannsthal in the Great War
The Poet in These Times of War
The Austrian Library
Andrian at War (Preusse und Österreicher I)
Hofmannsthal and Mitteleuropa (Preusse und Österreicher II)
Der Schwierige (Preusse und Österreicher III)
4. Austrian Identity after the Empire
Arabella, or the Reconciliation of Austria with the Slavic East)
Andrian and the Creation of an Austrian Nation
5. Conclusion
Part Three: Josef Redlich (Karl Renner):
The Problem of the Austrian Peple(s)