Titel Turn-of-the-century Vienna and its legacy : essays in honor of Donald G. Daviau / ed. by Jeffrey B. Berlin ...
Hrsg. Berlin, Jeffrey B.
Daviau, Donald G.
Erschienen [Wien] : Ed. Atelier, 1993
Sprache Deutsch
ISBN 0929497740
Ausgewertete Aufsätze
Rieckmann, Jens: Schools of inauthenticity : the role of the "Akadimische Gymnasium" and the "Burgtheater" in Hofmannsthals formative years, S. 67-77
Weissenberger, Klaus: Hofmannsthals essays "Erinnerung schöner Tage" and "Augenblicke in Griechenland" : an artistic depiction of the creative process, S. 79-88
Dormer, Muerdel Lore: Saint and sinner : some reflections on the image of woman in the works of Hofmannsthal and his Viennese contemporaries, S. 1-18
DelCaro, Adrian: Hofmannsthal's Vienna 1890-1900 : the poetics of transition, S. 47-65
Nethersole, Reingard: Viennese early postmodernism : Hofmannsthal's 'Prolog zu dem Buch "Anatol'", S. 29-45
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